Wednesday 16 February 2011

How nostalgic

My dad just got back home from the library and shoved this book about Japanese Animation in my face.There was a picture of Ikkyu san (we called it 'yut yow'). I didn't know it was called that~ I remember watching it as a kid when I lived in Hong Kong during the ages of five to around seven *starts bawling* I still have episodes of it on VHS in Cantonese. Myanimelist just informed me there are 298 episodes. I-I don't think I've seen that many.

I would totally watch it all if I had the time and patience.

When I went to Kinkakuji in 2005 and 2008, my mum pointed out that was where he lived! I was always upset when they talked about his separation issues with his mother, and how he got a man tou tied around him when he was a baby:( でもね、本当に懐かしすぎる!OPとEDは今聞いているんだ。

I saw a girl I gifted chibi bait to on tinierme had a hard time accepting 'crappy gifts from people'. In that case I wish I could take back my gift you *$#%&. I don't mind if people give me doubles of what I already own or items that aren't rare. I'm always up for presents. I just thought I'd give bait because it's usable and on sale AND OH LOOK the event this week requires you to catch 20 fish a day. Isn't that nice?

*sigh* I wish I had the patience to finish this already... after 4 months.

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